September’s Relationship Reset

Whether or not we realize, trauma we’ve experienced as kids can affect our relationships when we’re adults. 

The effects are varied - it may be hard to trust or clearly communicate your needs, you disconnect from your partner when things don’t go your way, you may avoid difficult conversations. 

And yet relationships can be healing, if you let them. 

One way to start healing in your relationship is to be honest and gently communicate how you feel and clearly state your need. For example, “I feel sad right now. I’d love a hug.” or “Work was so stressful today. May I tell you about?” 

If your partner wants to give you solutions to address your work stress and you just want them to listen, tell them that. It could sound like this - “I appreciate your concern and wanting to help me address it. Right now I just want to process what happened. Can you lend me your ear and just listen? It would mean a lot.”


October’s Relationship Reset


How to pay for therapy