Case Consultation Group
for Licensed Therapists

About the Peer Consultation Group

What this group is.

This is a case consultation group for fully licensed private pay therapists in private practice.

What this group is not.

This group is not a supervision group, and it’s not a therapy group.

This group is not for you if…

…you want to take lots and give little, if you want to judge other therapists or shame them, if you attend only when you need help.

Who is this group for?

This group is for you, if you are a fully licensed mental health professional.

You’re outspoken (though you may be an introvert).

You want to develop relationships with the people in the group.

You think and do therapy from a systems perspective.

And you want to support others in the group as much as you want to be supported.

This group is for you if you can attend the majority of the monthly consultations.

You work with adults and / or couples and are in your own private practice.

What’s provided —


Once a month 90-min meeting


Online Zoom space to connect


Well organized and coordinated meeting


Facilitated conversation about a topic important to the group if no cases are brought

The details:

Second Friday of the month

9:30am to 11:00am


$25 each month

Complete this from if you’re interested in learning more.