The 8 Phases of EMDR Therapy

EMDR therapy has 8 phases, and we go through all 8 (not necessarily in the exact order) in every session.

What are the 8 phases?

Phase 1 – History & Planning

We talk about your history, growing up, teenage years, young adulthood – what stands out, what experiences give you the shivers. Are feelings of shame, guilt, embarrassment come up? In which current situations – at work, in relationships, with family.

Phase 2 – Preparation

Here I teach you deep breathing, we may do progressive muscle relaxation, and other mindfulness exercises to help you calm your mind and reduce stress. Sometimes we stay in phase 1 and 2 for a while, until you feel ready to move forward.

Phase 3 – Assessment

I view phase 3 as the preparation for what comes next, reprocessing.

We pick the event (the target) and limiting belief to reprocess, the images, beliefs, emotions, and body sensations associated with the event. Then we move on the Phase 4.

Phase 4 – Desensitization

While focusing on the negative experience and associated negative/limiting belief, you tap using alternating taps (you tap, I chime in with the starting and stopping points). You notice what comes up. During this time, new and positive images, feelings, thoughts, memories may show up. (In my experience with clients, they almost always do.)

Phase 5 – Installation

We install the positive belief from Phase 4 through shorter tap sequences.

Phase 6 – Body Scan

We check in with your body in this phase, and you notice any sensations that may still be lingering. We reprocess (desensitize) these sensations.

Phase 7 – Closure

It’s all about helping you fully return to the here and now. This happens whether reprocessing is complete or not.

Sometimes a negative belief and associated experience are so distressing that it takes several reprocessing sessions to complete “the target.”

Phase 8 – Re-evaluation

We start each following session with reevaluation. During phase 8, we talk about the recently processed memories, and decide what we do next.


What is EMDR Therapy?


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